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Pelvic Health Physiotherapy for Teens

Many pelvic conditions emerge in the teen years and early assessment & treatment can mitigate lifelong suffering.

At The Pelvic Health Clinic, one-on-one compassionate and inclusive care is the standard. We are a body-positive clinic and believe that every body is deserving of care and clinical expertise. Movement and rehabilitation are for everyone!

Pelvic health physiotherapy can address many common concerns in teens

Physiotherapy for pelvic health concerns is an extremely helpful resource for teens as the onset of pelvic pain disorders such as dysmenorrhea and endometriosis often takes place in the teenage years.  It is also a time when many people who menstruate would like to use tampons or menstrual cups but have difficulty with the insertion process, which requires the pelvic muscles to relax and drop.  Pelvic physiotherapy can be very useful in teaching how to work with the pelvic floor muscles to facilitate insertion.  

Because national guidelines for cervical screening have changed in Canada, people with uteruses do not have Pap tests until their mid-20s.  Yet The Canadian Pediatric Society recommends IUDs as the first-line option for contraception for Canadian youth.

Pelvic health physiotherapy can prepare youth for this procedure by exposing them to the mechanics of a pelvic and speculum exam in a setting where there is time and space to work on relaxation, breath work and muscle coordination.  This sets them up for success and lessens the fear associated with an IUD insertion appointment.  

Pelvic health physiotherapy, also known as pelvic floor physiotherapy, is a specialized area of physiotherapy that focuses on the assessment, treatment, and rehabilitation of conditions related to the pelvic floor muscles and surrounding structures.

The pelvic floor is a group of muscles, ligaments, and connective tissues that form a supportive hammock-like structure at the base of the pelvis.  These muscles play a crucial role in supporting the pelvic organs, including the bladder, uterus and rectum, and are responsible for controlling bowel and bladder function, sexual function, and stability of the lower back.  These muscles work in conjunction with the muscles of the deep core, hip girdle and low back to provide support and dynamic function for our bodies.

Pelvic health physiotherapy is provided by trained physiotherapists who have expertise and training in treating pelvic floor dysfunctions and related pelvic health concerns in teens.  Our clinic offers a comfortable, inclusive, supportive and private environment for teenagers seeking solutions to their pelvic dysfunction through evidence-based rehabilitation methods that include: 

  • Manual therapeutic techniques for core and pelvic floor muscle rehabilitation
  • Patient education and teaching that is kind, informed and helpful
  • Biofeedback training of pelvic floor muscles
  • Individualized home exercise programmes

Pelvic health physiotherapy can help with so many conditions!

Painful Periods (Dysmenorrhea)

Painful periods can be very disruptive to the lives of teenagers, causing them to miss school, sports, and social events. Physiotherapy with one of our specially trained therapists can help in many ways: from manual techniques and myofascial release of the abdominal wall and core muscles to instruction on stretching and the use of TENS neuromuscular stimulators to relieve pain. Pain patterns are set up early in life and then inform how our brain responds to painful stimuli later in life. Early intervention for painful periods, both medical and rehabilitative, fosters lifelong well-being.

Difficulty with Tampon or Menstrual Cup Insertion

The inability to use tampons or menstrual cups can mean that teenagers are left out of various social and sporting activities. Repeatedly trying to insert a product without success also sets up a fear/ tension cycle that can influence future reproductive health. Our physiotherapists can help teens to learn the connection between their nervous systems and their pelvic floor muscle tension, and how to use breathing techniques and muscle relaxation to achieve success with product insertion and removal.

IUD Insertion Preparation

Foster success in an upcoming IUD insertion procedure by booking your teen in for a preparation appointment with one of our physiotherapists. Learning the mechanics of a pelvic and speculum exam in a quiet, safe environment focused on teaching and slow, graded exposure can help a teen feel empowered and prepared for the actual procedure. They are more likely to have a successful experience, knowing what to expect.