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Pelvic Health Physiotherapy for Kids

Rehabilitation of pelvic muscles is an evidence-based intervention for childhood bed-wetting, daytime leakage, encopresis and frequent urination.

At The Pelvic Health Clinic, one-on-one compassionate and inclusive care is the standard. We are a body-positive clinic and believe that every body is deserving of care and clinical expertise. Movement and rehabilitation are for everyone!

Pelvic health physiotherapy can address many common concerns in kids

We often consider pelvic floor dysfunction an adult problem, however, it is common in children and can follow them into later life. A pelvic health therapist who specializes in the treatment of children can help by providing your child with:

  • A thorough physical examination, including muscle testing of the trunk and core
  • Manual therapies including those for muscle strengthening, stretching and coordination
  • Education and teaching
  • Biofeedback training of pelvic floor muscles
  • A holistic and collaborative treatment plan that takes into account your child’s feelings and intelligence

Pediatric pelvic health physiotherapy can help with so many childhood conditions!

  • Bedwetting (nocturnal enuresis)
  • Daytime urinary leakage
  • Withholding urine
  • Frequent UTIs
  • Fecal incontinence/ Poop accidents/ Encopresis
  • Chronic constipation / painful bowel movements
  • Hirshprung’s disease

Physiotherapy for pelvic health concerns is an extremely helpful resource for parents and kids who are struggling with the daily stressors of pelvic dysfunction. Things like bedwetting don’t just magically “end”, nor is behaviour to blame. Working together with a trained and skilled pediatric physiotherapist, parents can learn which interventions are age-appropriate and kids can learn to connect with their bodies and to use their pelvic muscles appropriately to foster effective elimination of urine and stool.

Pelvic health physiotherapy, also known as pelvic floor physiotherapy, is a specialized area of physiotherapy that focuses on the assessment, treatment, and rehabilitation of conditions related to the pelvic floor muscles and surrounding structures. It can help your child overcome bedwetting, constipation, pee accidents and poop accidents!

Everyone has a pelvis, and all pelvises are worthy of rehabilitation!

Is bed-wetting normal?

Many parents receive the message that bedwetting is normal and that their child will outgrow it. But the reality is that some kids don’t outgrow it and enuresis continues into the teenage years, affecting their confidence and social interactions.

When is the right time to address bedwetting?

Urologists agree that bedwetting should be treated starting at age 4. Early intervention helps!

How are constipation and bladder accidents related?

The rectum, stretched by stool build-up, presses against and aggravates the bladder. This pressure can cause the bladder to spasm, triggering involuntary urine loss.

How can pelvic health physiotherapy help?

We all rely on sometimes subtle signs from the body to know when we need to pee or poop. Many children have learned to withhold, or delay what the body is asking for, and start to lose awareness of the subtle signs over time. By working with a skilled and kind pediatric pelvic health physiotherapist, kids can learn to listen to those signals and to improve their muscle coordination to fully evacuate their bladder and bowel.